Thursday, June 4, 2009

A new Journey-Same Job....

This week has been extremely crazy, as we are wrapping up the school year we are looking ahead to the next one to come as well. Something is in the air, the children are acting crazy and the teachers are acting even crazier! You can most definitely smell summer just around the corner. This year at the school I work at, we are all so very blessed, we have all teachers returning for the next year, so in some ways there is less to worry about. However we are always trying to make improvements and ways to better address the needs of our students, so there will be some changes that we will be making that should all be positive. One change that I am extremely looking forward to is the fact that I have been signed as a long term substitute! The 6th grade teacher as the school is expecting a new baby and she is due right as we begin school next year. I was generously offered the position and gratefully accepted the position! Considering I have never been given such a responsibility before (actually let me take that back) I have never been given such a responsibility for such a duration of time I am beginning to get a little nervous. What can expect? Will I met her expectations? Will I meet the children's needs? Some days I think I have gotten in over my head, but overall I know it must be a positive move that will only help better establish me within the school I hope one day I will fully be teaching at! There is so much to take in and so much to figure out..Which brings me to my number 3 tip!
Tip #3: Be prepared! As a substitute you never fully know what you are getting yourself into, however a way to help relieve some of the expected jitters is, if you are given sufficient amount of notice before you will actually be long term subbing, ASK QUESTIONS!!!! Prepare yourself as much as you can, what I have been doing for the past week, ever since I discovered I would be taking this position is writing down questions as they pop in my head, because I know that before the school year ends I will be having a meeting with the 6th grade teacher and the principal. I want to be prepared to ask all the questions I have in my head and if I don't write them down I may forget. Also I am taking a large notebook with me to ensure I can take as many notes as I would like for the information that is covered throughout the meeting. You can never be over prepared however you can be under, and as a new teacher or a long term substitute teacher that is the last thing you ever want to be! I want to show everyone I am capable and perfect for any job they may have opening up in the future as a teacher.

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